Connectivity solution architecture

Solution architecture for connectivity service to shopfloor devices


The below description and instruction are valid for the SDA Connectivity Service v1. In case you are on of our preview users for the Connectivity Service v2, please refer to the separate user manual.

The figure below shows a high-level overview of the SDA PLC Ops solution.

Your basic setup will look like this: your PLCs on the shop floor are connected to an edge gateway running the SDA connectivity client. The connection is facilitated using port forwarding via an encrypted HTTPS protocol. Without having to open any inbound ports to your network, the connectivity client can trigger an HTTPS connection to the SDA cloud environment via outbound port 443.

Based on the connectivity service, SDA offers a suite of micro-services accessible via the web-based SDA Console, including:

  • Upload, download, and versioning of automation projects

  • Remote viewing and editing of automation projects based on IDE streaming to the browser (e.g., Siemens TIA Portal)

  • Device management for gateways and PLC twins (compile-time twin of the PLC configuration and automation control source code)

  • Direct deployment to PLCs

Please see the overall architecture below.

The following sections will introduce some basic SDA terminology as well as detailed guidelines on how to navigate through the SDA PLC Ops Console to set up/manage Control Groups, Gateways, Controls (PLC Twins), and upload/manage your automation Projects.

Last updated