Deployment Requests (preview)

This feature is currently in preview and adds an approval step for Deployments

Directly deploying your projects can result in unwanted behaviors at the Controls. To mitigate this, we introduce an approval step before the deployment.

How to request a deployment?

Go to the Devices page → Select a Control → Go the Projects page → Click on Request Deployment

All users with EDIT, EDIT+CONNECT and ADMIN permissions to the Control can create deployment requests.

Deployment Request Overview

The deployment request can only be approved or denied by users with role ADMIN. In the image above we can see that "Jane Smith" who has only EDIT permission was able to request a deployment, but is not allowed to execute the deployment unless and Admin approves the request.

Cancelation is possible in any time before the deployment was executed.

Handling the Deployment Request

Users with ADMIN role receive notifications about request/approved/denied deployment requests.

They can access the deployment requests from the notification itself, or on the Deployment Requests page, accessible from the Controls page, between Projects and Job History.

When on the Deployment Requests page, the approver can check the settings and if he agrees with the deployment, he needs to click on Approve

The user can add a comment to his decision, and for approvals he also need to inform an expiration date for the approval. To approve he needs to confirm by clicking in Approve.

Executing Deployment Request

Once approved, "Jane Smith", who created the Deployment Request is notified and can then execute the deployment request until the expiration date.

If the approval is expired, user with ADMIN role can renew the approval to a new date.

All activity is tracked on the Deployment Request.

Once executed, the deploy job is also shown on the Deployment Request page, and the activity is also updated.

Last updated