Up- and download of TIA licenses for Browser Based Engineering
SDA offers a local client for Windows to enable customers to seamlessly up- and download TIA portal licenses. Only "Admins" of an PLC Ops account can use this functionality.
What do you need before starting with the license manager
Windows 10 or higher
Local installation of the software Siemens Automation License Manager (ALM)
One or more licenses which you can transfer to SDA PLC Ops
Download and installation of the local client
Navigate to the license management in the left bar of the SDA Console and click on "Download SDA Local Client". The software is the same as for the Windows local client. The installation package will be automatically downloaded. Execute the package on your workstation and follow the instructions.
After successful installation, the local client will ask you to provide your SDA Console login credentials.
Upload of TIA licenses to SDA PLC Ops
If the user has the "Admin" role he can navigate to the license management section in the left bar. The license management shows the same overview of uploaded licenses as in the browser version of PLC Ops. By clicking "Upload new licenses" you will get directed to a step-by-step guide for the uploading process.
These are the steps for uploading a license to SDA PLC Ops:
SDA local client: Click "Open Automation License Manager" which opens the Siemens ALM software on your computer
ALM: Navigate in the left navigation tree to the drive with your local licenses
ALM: Right click on the license you want to transfer to SDA PLC Ops and go to "Transfer" -> Select the drive "SDA License (xxxx)" -> "OK" Important: Only transfer only ONE license at once!
ALM: Make sure that the "SDA License (xxxx)" is selected on the left navigation tree. Click then on top on File -> Export -> Save as *.csv (Choose any name for the file; make sure you know where to find the file afterwards)
SDA local client: Upload *csv to the SDA local client and go to the next step
SDA local client: Check if the license is the one you would like upload and confirm afterwards
Download of TIA licenses from SDA PLC Ops
For downloading a license from SDA to your local machine you start the process with clicking on the transfer button in the row of the license you want to transfer.
These are the steps for downloading a license to SDA PLC Ops:
SDA local client: Click "Download license" which downloads the SDA license drive to your computer
SDA local client: Click "Open Automation License Manager" which opens the Siemens ALM software on your computer
ALM: Navigate in the left navigation tree to the "SDA License (xxxx)"
ALM: Right click on the license and go to "Transfer" -> Select your local drive -> "OK"
SDA local client: Click on "Next"
ALM: Make sure that the "SDA License (xxxx)" is empty in the ALM
SDA local client: Confirm that the "SDA License (xxxx)" is empty and confirm the process
Last updated