How to generate a documentation

Generating the documentation

As the first step, select the project, you'd like to get a documentation for.

Click on 'View project' to open the project in the SDA Project Viewer

Alternatively, you can also select a specific version:

In the Project Viewer, select any file, that is supported (as pointed out in the Overview):

Select the desired file and then click the 'Explain' button. Upon clicking, a progress bar will display the current status of the documentation generation process. You may navigate away from the page or close the browser; the documentation generation will continue in the background.

Once the documentation has been generated, a window will open:


By clicking on the "DocuMode" button on the top right, all the already generated documentations will be displayed inline, in the project viewer:

PDF Export

You can download the generated documentation for each file bundled together as a PDF by clicking the PDF icon located at the top right of the interface.

Verbose and Summarized Documentation

Per default, the summarized documentation is selected. But if the user desires, they can also switch to the verbose version, that has a greater level of detail.

This feature is also supported in the DocuMode. By clicking the arrow on the right-hand side of the DocuMode button, the user can select what level of detail they want to see.

Last updated