How to generate a documentation

Generating the documentation

As the first step, select the project, you'd like to get a documentation for.

Click on 'View project' to open the project in the SDA Project Viewer

Alternatively, you can also select a specific version:

In the Project Viewer, select any file, that is supported (as pointed out in the Overview):

Select the desired file and then click the 'Explain' button. Upon clicking, a progress bar will display the current status of the documentation generation process. You may navigate away from the page or close the browser; the documentation generation will continue in the background.

Once the documentation has been generated, a window will open:


By clicking on the "DocuMode" button on the top right, all the already generated documentations will be displayed inline, in the project viewer:

PDF Export

You can download the generated documentation for each file bundled together as a PDF by clicking the PDF icon located at the top right of the interface.

Last updated